Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Crazy Cool

I am going to try and wean you all off of pictures again as I wind down my time with fast and somewhat reliable internet. Sorry!!!

A couple random games that my forengi (foreigner) friends have treated me to in Ethiopia…

The Somali Game – My friend Thomas has created a game over the past 15 years that quite accurately replicates the life of a nomadic Somali Clan. It involves camel herds, all generations of life, droughts, blood money, and much much more. Incredible!

Dutch Blitz – If you know Amanda and I well, then we have probably attempted to sucker you into a game of Dutch Blitz before. If not, please contact in September! You’ll be in for a treat. Anyways, my friend Aaron, unprompted, asked me if I played Dutch Blitz! This is one of the least common games ever and I got asked if I played it while in Ethiopia! What?!? Of course I could not pass up that opportunity.

Other oddities…

Sole Rebels – Who knew that an internationally recognized shoemaker would be located within a two minute walk of my office?!? They utilize used rubber for the soles, and organic and fair-trade materials for the rest of the shoe! Check out their website if you’re interested, . Advantage of being here is that instead of $60+ for a pair online, they run between $15 and $40 in country. If you want a pair let me know. No promises, but I’ll see what I can do.

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