Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breaking the mold…

Gambella is full of NGOs and organizations working to “help” the people. This work is normally done in large walled in large compounds encircled by high cement walls and razor wire. When ventures are made out into the community it is always in a big SUV.

The Center for Creative Leadership does is breaking the trend though. Our new office (which you’ve already read about) was obtained for free through a partnership agreement with a local church. We have one small room that contains one light, one window, one door, and one electrical plug… plus the snake.

When we venture out into the community it is to meet directly with leaders in the local churches and school, and we are partnering up with about 30 different organizations in the project I am working to implement. We do not have an SUV though, so we either take the small bajaj taxis or walk. People are somewhat used to seeing white people here, but not having them walking through their neighborhoods, eating local food at their restaurants, or sitting next to them at one of their intimate cafes.

To me, this is how it should be done. How can you can the respect and trust of a local if you refuse to interact with them in their own environment? With trust, much can be… and is being accomplished. 

Side note... I fly back to Addis Ababa on Friday, so pictures will be posted soon!!!

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