Friday, June 15, 2012

See you in two weeks

I wanted to get one more post out before I leave tomorrow morning for Gambella since it will be 2 weeks before I am planning to have internet.

First of all, I would like to say that while I would love to post some pictures, the internet I am currently using will not support it. So I apologize for having to bore you with words. I am thinking that the internet I will have after returning should be able to handle it though, so look out for a flood of pics then.

Since arriving here I have had trouble sleeping. I think my body is still adjusting to the time change, but there are other things, mainly noises, that have contributed to this problem. They include...

  1. Birds - There is a large tree in our yard and it has attracted a plethora of birds. The most annoying ones include one that sounds like a loud pig and one that sounds like a dog that has just been injured. 
  2. Call to Prayer - Every morning at 5am, the local mosques pump out the call to prayer over loudspeakers that resonate through the neighborhood. 
  3. Water Pump - Conveniently located near my bedroom window is the houses water pump. Anytime water flows in the home, this pump fires up it high pitched whine. 
Here's to hoping that Gambella, despite searing heat and mosquitos, provides me with a better chance to catch some much needed shut-eye. 

Again, I will plan to update you on my trip in a couple weeks! 


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