Monday, June 11, 2012

One more flight...

Things are working out for me already. Last night I had to say the difficult goodbye to my wonderful wife before catching a 11:59pm flight out of Denver. As I sat in the airport the two gates next to mine cancelled their flights, (Des Moines and Detroit) but mine departed. When I got into Newark, with only an hour until my next plane left, I waited 30 minutes to get off the plane because the jetway wasn't working! After traversing the entire airport I got to the gate with about 10 minutes to spare. That's when I noticed that my boarding pass did not have a seat assignment. I asked the guy boarding us about it, and he said "you know what that means don't you". I obviously said "nope", and he proceeded to tell me that I was on standby. Standby! Fortunately he got me a seat and I made it to D.C. After another scare when getting my seat assignment here, I think I am finally good to go. So with that, I will leave you for now and hope things continue to work out.

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