As most of you probably already know, I am heading to Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia for the summer! I will be interning with an organization called
Leadership Beyond Boundaries. This
internship will serve to help me attain several goals…
1 .
To finally see what Africa is all about
2 .
To gain more work experience abroad with a great
3 .
To fulfill a requirement I need to finish my
Humanitarian Assistance Certificate
My plane leaves tomorrow night at 11:59pm and I will get
into Addis on Tuesday morning! Nothing like finishing the Spring Quarter at DU
on Saturday morning, celebrating your 5th wedding anniversary for
the rest of the day, and then leaving the country the following day. Unfortunately,
Amanda will be staying back on this trip. So while I am truly excited for this
adventure, it will not be the same without her.
Mike, sorry we weren't able to make it down on Friday, but hope you have a great trip. We look forward to reading about your experiences there.