Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The end is too near

When I arrived to Ethiopia three months ago I knew next to nothing about it. I had focused my studies on the Somalia and how other countries in the Horn of Africa affected the dynamics within it, but I had never taken the time to truly study those countries.

My education about Ethiopia began immediately and continues to this day. I have been so amazed with the people of Ethiopia and their rich history. Whether it be the urban dwellers in Addis Ababa or the people of rural Gambella, all have extended their sincere kindness to me, and there is really nothing I can do to repay them for all that they have done for me.

I have so many stories and experiences that didn’t make this blog, there are many subtleties that I could never explain, etc, etc, etc…

I have been so blessed to have a fair amount of time to say goodbyes to those I have developed friendships with here. The best part about it is that it doesn’t feel like a true goodbye. I am quite confident that I will remain in contact with all of them, hopefully see many of them again, and maybe even help one come to the US. 

mmmm.... kitfo

Me, Rakeb, and Fikerte eating the kitfo

The mysterious Sam Ray

One last trip to Jazzamba

Rakeb & Fikerte enjoying Ethiopian Jazz

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pool Party

Have you ever completely overextended yourself? That is where I sit at the moment. 18 credit hours for grad school, working 20 hours per week, pulling together a fundraiser for iEmpathize, taking the Foreign Service Officer Test, countless meetings, and trying my best to have a life on top of this is what awaits me upon my return to Denver.

Thus, the best thing to do before returning to the US is to go to the Hilton and enjoy their pool which is fed by natural hot springs! 

Sporting the Farmer's Tans... 

Rakeb learning how to swim

After a summer long search, I have found the illusive Hakim Stout!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Week

88 Days is where it started. The countdown, which crept by much too slowly upon my arrival in Ethiopia, is now down to a mere 7 days. I have no idea where the last 81 days went, and while I could not be more excited to see my beautiful wife again, I am completely unprepared to leave Ethiopia. To suppress my sadness I have when thinking about leaving, and the anxiety I feel about returning to an utterly chaotic last quarter in grad school, I have decided that the best thing to do is eat as many sweets as I can and take photos of those I will miss dearly. 

Sara and Rakeb at Sara's going away party

Discovered out of desperation in Panama, reintroduced in Ethiopia

Eyerusalem and I at CCL before she left to finish her studies in S. Africa

Who knew you could find fancy cupcakes in Ethiopia?!? 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pictures from Gambella!!!

View from a cool bridge

Old overgrown Italian fort

Coffee Shop at the fort

The church I attended and spoke at

World Food Program's first operation involving sending barges to Gambella to pick up food. 

The "palace"

Trucks that have transported food from Djibouti all the way to Western Ethiopia

Kitfo in the middle of the plate = raw meat and butter

World Food Program operation where 16,000 tons of food will be shipped down the river to refugees in South Sudan

How work gets done in Gambella. Tigest (Left) Rehima (Middle) are two of our new staff members, and we are cruising around town in a bajaj to meet with all the organizations we hope to partner with

The restaurant/gathering area at my hotel. Flag at half mast because of the passing of Prime Minister Meles

Last moments in Gambella

Monday, August 27, 2012

It is all about relationships

After a 6 hour delay in getting out of Gambella, I have made it back to Addis! What a refreshing change to step onto the tarmac and be greeted with a rush of cool air!

Since arriving back I’ve been reminded of the power of relationships. While it was challenging to leave the friends I made in Gambella, I was immediately surrounded by amazing friends in Addis to help make the transition easier. I know that this cycle (on a deeper level) will be repeated in just 10 days when I leave Ethiopia. I fully expect to have my heart ripped out as I say goodbye to everyone here, but I know that my friends and family in Colorado will be awaiting me with open arms. That is comforting.

It is incredible to look back on the places I have been in my life, and know that the relationships that were built there still mean something, and connect me to that place on a level not gained through mere travel. That I could go back to Michigan, Estes Park, Denver, Panama, Ethiopia, etc… anytime and have it feel like home is deeper than just returning to a place. It really doesn’t matter so much on the location, but the relationships and bonds that you have formed with the people there.

Even more abstract is the understanding that when the people you form these relationships move to another part of the world, you suddenly have a connection to that place. Why else would so many friends who had never thought about Panama before have come to visit? Why else would I go visit Nashville? These are great places, but not many people would put them at the top of their list without a further reason to go there.

Just some light thinking for you today… anyways, the fast internet has been down since I arrived back to Addis, so I apologize for being unable to load pictures. As soon as it is fixed they will be up! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breaking the mold…

Gambella is full of NGOs and organizations working to “help” the people. This work is normally done in large walled in large compounds encircled by high cement walls and razor wire. When ventures are made out into the community it is always in a big SUV.

The Center for Creative Leadership does is breaking the trend though. Our new office (which you’ve already read about) was obtained for free through a partnership agreement with a local church. We have one small room that contains one light, one window, one door, and one electrical plug… plus the snake.

When we venture out into the community it is to meet directly with leaders in the local churches and school, and we are partnering up with about 30 different organizations in the project I am working to implement. We do not have an SUV though, so we either take the small bajaj taxis or walk. People are somewhat used to seeing white people here, but not having them walking through their neighborhoods, eating local food at their restaurants, or sitting next to them at one of their intimate cafes.

To me, this is how it should be done. How can you can the respect and trust of a local if you refuse to interact with them in their own environment? With trust, much can be… and is being accomplished. 

Side note... I fly back to Addis Ababa on Friday, so pictures will be posted soon!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A new mascot?

We moved our office in Gambella today! The government needed our old office, so we scrambled to find a church that had some extra office space and were successful. The only problem with it is that there is definitely a snake living in the ceiling. You hear something move around up there every now and then and it definitely doesn’t have feet. So, that should keep things interesting for us.

I was in the local market trying to have a skirt made for Amanda. My co-worker was translating for me to the man who will make it. While this was going on, a woman he had previously made a dress for came up to him with the dress on and told him that she didn’t like how it looked in the area of her stomach. He proceeded to tell her that it was because she was fat and had nothing to do with the dress. You can imagine how well that went over… 

There is usually a moment in all of my foreign travels where I think to myself… no wonder so many people dislike Americans. For the most part my time in Ethiopia has excluded these instances though. In fact, I have no idea what nationality they are, but some other white guys staying at the same hotel in Gambella are now making Americans look like respectful angels. These guys are not young college kids, but rather mid 40’s to mid 50’s guys. Yesterday they stayed up til 2am drinking and yelling. Of course there was no power at that time, so none of the other guests could drown out their ruckus with a fan, tv, etc. This morning they were already at the bar drinking before 9am! Then tonight, I had the joy of watching them make utter fools out of themselves as they berated the servers to get their double whisky’s faster, yelling at other guests, and then not having enough cash to pay the bill in the end. This was all fun until it started to rain and they decided to come inside and continue their yelling. Guys can relate to the feeling when you walk into a public restroom and nobody is there. You choose a urinal in the long line of urinals and then someone else comes in and decides that instead maintaining a comfortable distance, they will take this opportunity to display their lack of common sense and end up at the urinal right next to you. That is when you start looking around and asking yourself… really? Well, inside the restaurant tonight there was me and only one other guy. At least 20 seats were open and the first drunk guy to come in decides to saddle up right next to me as I am eating my dinner. Already off to a bad start he leans in to talk with the smell of whisky permeating from him before he even opens his mouth. Of course he doesn’t speak English either. When he started talking, I started grabbing my plate and preparing to move. To whatever he said in drunken jibberish, I said “no”, as I was standing up. He took great offense to this and and stumbled into the next chair over. Goodness people… I hope to learn more about these people soon, because Gambellans will not put up with this for long.