Monday, July 2, 2012


My flight back to Addis Ababa was scheduled to happen yesterday, but it just was not meant to be. First of all, the guy in charge, despite constant prodding from yours truly throughout the week, did not pay for my ticket in time and thus I was on stand-by for the flight. I waited outside the airport for 2 hours before learning that there was a seat for me. The way this flight works is that it leaves Addis Ababa, arrives in Gambella, then heads back to Addis with new passengers. About 10 minutes before the plane landed a huge thunderstorm erupted. Lightning was striking the runway, etc… and after an hour of circling above, it gave up and headed back to Addis and the flight was cancelled. My ride had left me at the airport long before the cancellation occurred and because the airport is in the middle of nowhere, my cell phone did not work. I ended up jumping into a mini-van shuttle that took about 18 of us (okay… it was only 15) back to Gambella town. Of course this trip back was eventful in that about halfway back, a tire blew and we all had to peel ourselves out of the vehicle to stand on the side of the muddy road in the rain while the driver fixed the flat. Fun times! Fortunately the flight was rescheduled for today and it went off without any issues. So, I am back in Addis Ababa and ready to tackle new challenges and tasks. Up first… providing you all with some long overdue photos!!!  

Coming out of the mountains and down to Gambella

Some of the children at a small orphanage in Gambella

One of the many little "coffee shops" in Gambella

One of the activities during the women's leadership training

The group of women during our first week of training

Some Sudanese food I ate. Colorful no?

Colobus monkeys at my hotel in Gambella

A Bajaj taxi

Gambella from above

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