Saturday, July 7, 2012

Adjusting to Addis

Life in Addis Ababa is much different than Gambella, and I have spent much of the past 5 days adjusting into what will be my home for the next two months. Here are some of my highlights since getting back to the capital...

Working ~

CCL just got a big grant to continue working in Gambella! I have a meeting on Monday to help determine what that might look like, and I would love to go back at some point this summer. (Interesting side note… I met some Peace Corps Volunteers here and they told me that their rules only allow them to travel to 30% of the country due to security concerns. Gambella is not included.)

Living ~

            It is cold in Addis Ababa! With it being located at an elevation of over 7,600 feet and in the midst of the rainy season, I often find myself struggling to stay warm despite having 3 heavy blankets on my bed! It also makes drying clothes difficult, but luckily the Peace Corps teaches you to be creative. I have overcome this challenge with a space heater, drying rack, and patience.

Playing ~

            I met a really nice Ethiopian guy who is currently living in Denmark, but back here visiting right now. He took me out last night to see some live traditional Ethiopian music at the oldest hotel in Addis. I mean… jazz flute, crazy guitars, and shoulder dancing… wow! 

The makings of a traditional coffee ceremony

One of CCL's office in Addis. Cool use of old semi trailers!

Inside the office during a time management training


Live traditional Ethiopian music!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    Doing alot of different things over there. Amazing how you have some modern conveniences(internet)and also how primitive some areas are.
    I think your doing a great job with everything over there and also sending updates for everyone. Keep it up Mike.
